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100% natural apple
juice directly squeezed

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About our juice

Ми відібрали кращі яблука з власних садів, ретельно помили та подрібнили,що дає змогу отримати чудовий сік
без додавання цукру, ГМО, води та консервантів. Провели пастеризацію,щоб підкреслити неперевершений смак і продовжити період зберігання. Наші соки нагадують приємний смак дитинства, смак  свіжовичавленого соку з яблук, що виросли в бабусиному саду. Тому наш продукт є крафтовим, адже виготовляється невеликими партіями з любов’ю і за сімейними традиціями. Ми мріємо, щоб ви смакували наші соки прямого віджиму із задоволенням, не поспішаючи, насолоджуючись кожним ковтком. Пан Сік чудово барьорить серед жаркого літа і дарує приємні спогади про літнє тепло взимку.

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Why apple?
is the juice good?

It is low in calories, so it can be safely consumed during diets, given to young children and the elderly.

Normalizes cholesterol level, increases metabolism, strengthens the cardiovascular system,

Very rich in iron. That is why it should be included in the course of complex therapy for anemia.

It stabilizes blood circulation, stimulates the natural peristalsis of the stomach and has strong antioxidant properties.

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We are on Instagram:


An interesting story awaits you,
Unusual, maybe quite,
How everything was created - please tell us
Why exactly such an idea came to us.

We live in a land where there are many
There are talented people.
Those who daily and diligently
They work to create something "their own".

So that not as it is, but special -
We call it Kraft.
We do it with love, leisurely,
Like nature creating a landscape.

And decided to develop juices,
Because we live here, our country is gardeners.
But we have a dream to consume
"PanSik", which does not contain impurities.

This process is long, not easy,
Bought a new line,
We selected the best apples from the orchards,
To make a real delicacy.


We named the trademark "Pan Nedoba"
Because there was a lord like this who lived in our village.
We did not hide the historical reference,
Because the development of the village was not easy.

We want to be remembered in the future
About values, history,
So that the village of Nedoboivtsi - everyone knows
And they always valued family.

"PanSik" is a product of direct pressing
The best fruits, fresh, high-quality,
Which gives a touch of summer even in winter,
And also - emotions, as from childhood, joyful.

We packed "PanSik" nicely
In a super-pouch, bag-in-box and that's not all.
The design also took a lot of time to develop,
But we believe that this will bring us success.

That they will know our Ukraine
Far away, somewhere over the ocean.
And "PanSik" will taste
Both here in Bukovina and among Parisians.


Author: Yuzva O.Yu.

How to find us?

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